Tuesday, February 8, 2011

CUL502 YA: Media and Pop Culture

Blog submission #2


Since moving to Canada over 4 years ago, I’ve stopped listening to mainstream radio. It’s not to say that there isn’t anything good on; it’s just that I’m kind of sick and tired of hearing the same song that they call “music” nowadays, over and over again every single hour. I've basically become disgusted with the messages found in popular music today and it doesn't help that those who are so-called " singing" these songs, just happen to have no talent at all. I have discovered that the "real' talented musicians out there nowadays are either underground or underrated and its a shame that the these music execs won't give them a chance to shine. I find myself relating to their music over some silly pop song on the airwaves. I can genuinely feel all the raw emotion that they put into their art and what a great feeling it is! Yes, pop music tends to go through a fad, every now and then; at least I can rely on the music of undiscovered talented gems to give me some sense of joy.

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