Monday, April 11, 2011

DMA234 - Final - Creative Design

Phase 3: Story, Narrative, and Design Style

Now that I have an idea of the theme I will be using for my poster, I will now have with finalize the various assets I would use in my final product.


A snake has been on the earth for over 130 million years. Without limbs, it can climb, swim and sometimes fly. Some have a deadly bite that can kill a human. In religion, it was the animal that tempted Adam and Eve.
It has an expandable jaw and can swallow prey larger than itself whole. It drenches its prey with saliva and crushes it with its muscles. Some snakes inject its prey with venom using its fangs to subdue it. Snakes have always been depicted as an animal to fear.


In the end, I would love my final poster to portray the predatorial characteristics of the snake and the habitat in which it loves in.

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